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Community Outreach

Outreach is a foundational ministry called to bring the love of God outside the church building.

Lead: Rev. Tsaka Dutch-Malik


Division: Welfare & Outreach


“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me I, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.” Matthew 25:35-36


Outreach is a foundational ministry called to bring the love of God outside the church building. Since the inception of New Life, we have operated to shower God’s love on persons who may never step foot into one of our services. Whether feeding hot dogs or handing out backpacks and school supplies, Outreach is a ministry that is devoted to the up-building of God’s kingdom, our community and beyond.


Our mission is to be living water to the thirsty, soul food for the hungry and a covering to the naked through unconditional love, practical service and dedicated purpose.


Our vision is to see the kingdom of God enlarged through extending His love to all people.

Ministry Requirements

Outreach volunteers can serve in one of two capacities. The Core Team provides administrative assistance and members serve as volunteers at events. General Volunteers are not a part of the Outreach ministry, but UB members who sign up prior to events when the general call for servants is made. General Volunteers show up on event day and are placed into a service area upon arrival.

Get Connected

If you desire to learn more about volunteering with one of the Core Teams, please contact us at:


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