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Lay Organization

The mission is to teach, train and empower its members for lay ministry, global leadership and service by following the tenants of Jesus Christ.

Lead: Sis. Oveta Watkins


Division: Evangelism


The Lay Organization organizes and trains the lay members of the Union Bethel, so that each member may utilize to the maximum the abilities and skills granted by God, in assisting with the improvement and extension of God’s kingdom, and creating happiness, peace and harmony among its members.


The mission is to teach, train and empower its members for lay ministry, global leadership and service by following the tenants of Jesus Christ.


The Lay’s vision is:

To create a love and appreciation of the history, traditions, and principles of African Methodism.

  • To create a love and appreciation of the history, traditions, and principles of African Methodism.

  • Keep the memory of Richard Allen alive.

  • Respect constituted authority and leadership.

  • Stimulate and educate the laity in the total program of the church.

  • To provide for the orderly and systematic training of lay persons, especially officers, in order that they might effectively perform their service responsibilities.

  • Study the Discipline and learn the laws of the Church.

  • Encourage financial support of the church’s program.

  • Teach and practice stewardship and work with youth to teach them Methodism.

Ministry Requirements

Membership is open to all Lay persons (un-ordained) members of the A.M.E. Church who are in good and regular standing in their local church.

Get Connected

For more information about getting connected with the ministry, please contact us at:


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