As servants of God’s kingdom, Gideon’s Army seeks to provide a transparent atmosphere for men to share and be heard on a variety of issues that are specific to men.
Lead: Minister Rodney Taylor
Division: Welfare & Outreach
“Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.” Proverbs 27:17
As servants of God’s kingdom, Gideon’s Army seeks to provide a transparent atmosphere for men to share and be heard on a variety of issues that are specific to men. We use resources of fellowship and teaching to develop godly character to equip men to influence their community for Christ.
Gideon’s Army creates an environment where men with real questions, can get real answers, naturally and spiritually, according to God’s Word.
We desire to see men walk in wholeness, whether married or single, and enjoying a victorious life in Christ. For men who are new in Christ, we endeavor to encourage them in their “new life.”
Ministry Requirements
The only requirements to participate in Gideon’s Army is that you are a man 18 years or older and wish to see other men walk in liberty, away from distractions, functioning in their calling. And, we ask that you be an excited committed servant!
Get Connected
The men of Gideon’s Army meet every 3rd Saturday of the month at 9 am in Hawkins Hall at the Brandywine campus. To get more information about these meetings or to volunteer for the ministry’s administrative team, please e-mail: